1134 Movement
Flipping hEll on Its Head with Love

1134 Movement
Flipping hEll on Its Head with Love
1134 Movement
1134 Movement: A Revolution of Love
The 1134 Movement, born from the personal story of Now Found co-founder Steve Cohen, is a call to radical love and transformation. Before encountering Jesus, Steve saw the numbers 11:34 repeatedly, a mirror image of "hEll." This powerful symbol became the inspiration for a movement dedicated to flipping hEll on its head.

Love Unconditionally. Forgive Freely. Serve Radically.
Just as 1134 flips to spell "hEll," we believe that love can transform even the darkest situations. The 1134 Movement is about living like Jesus: loving those who hate, praying for those who persecute you, and breaking down the walls that divide us – denomination, politics, race, gender, or any other label.
We're not just talking about love; we're living it. We're inspiring a movement of people who demonstrate God's love through acts of service and unwavering compassion. We believe that offense is a choice, and forgiveness is the key to unlocking true freedom.
Reflecting the Kingdom, Together.
We are called to love God and our neighbors in ways that defy earthly logic. We are called to forgive even the deepest wounds. In unity, we reflect the beautiful diversity of God's Kingdom, a spectrum of colors brought together by the unifying power of love.
Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can bring others into the presence of our King. Join us in this mission.
Ready to Flip hEll on Its Head with us?
Partner with Now Found and the 1134 Movement to spread love and ignite change in your community. Contact us today to explore partnership opportunities.
Let’s do this together.