Foster & Adopt
Open Your Heart: Explore Foster Care & Adoption with Now Found
Are you considering opening your heart and home to a child through foster care or adoption? Families created through fostering and adoption have incredible potential to be havens of healing for children from hard places. Foster and adoption opens our eyes to the kind of love that God has for His children - unconditional, rich, and eternal.
At Now Found, we understand the journey is filled with both joy and unique challenges. We're here to provide resources, support, and inspiration for families who also believe that there is: Always Room for One More!

Resources and Support
Navigating the Journey:
We offer a variety of resources to help you learn more about foster care and adoption:
- Informational Articles & Guides: Adoption 101 – Now Found & Making Room for Others – Now Found
- Support Groups & Communities: Christian Homes & Family Services and Lifeline Children's Services
- Expert Advice, Insight, and Support: Trauma-Informed Parenting, Chosen Ones, & Child Hope Services
Children's Books - Celebrating Families
Stories of Love and Belonging:
Our collection of children's books celebrates the diverse and beautiful ways families are formed. These heartwarming stories explore themes of love, belonging, and the unique bonds that connect families, whether through birth, foster care, or adoption.
Where Your Beginning Began:
Join Kaynay, the elephant, in a heartwarming fun, life-filled story addressing one of the hardest questions an adoptive parent can face, their child's origin.
Loved As You Are:
Join Gif, the giraffe, on his perilous and providential journey to find his forever home – to discover what it means to be loved as you are.
However Long Forever:

Join Omari, the orca, as we discover God’s love, healing, and hope – on the journey from place to place. With no promise of tomorrow, we want our kiddos to know we love them.
Equally Treasured:

Join Monty, the Monkey, as we travel through the Land of Fambly and navigate the intricacies and difficulties of welcoming more children into our homes, assuring them all they are Equally Treasured.
Ready to Learn More?
Explore the resources above, browse our collection of inspiring children's books, and take the first step on your foster care or adoption journey.
Support Foster & Adoptive Families - Even If You're Not Called to Foster or Adopt:
- Gift Books: Purchase copies of our children's books for foster and adoptive families to spark conversations about identity, purpose, healing, and freedom.
Donate Items: Donate needed and gently used items to organizations like Chosen Ones, & Child Hope Services
- Provide Respite Care: Become a qualified babysitter or respite care provider for fostering families.
- Offer Practical Help: Bring meals, send gift cards for groceries or gas, or help with household chores like laundry, cleaning, or minor repairs.
- Support with Transportation: Offer to pick up kids from school or provide transportation to appointments.
- Provide Childcare: Watch children while foster parents make necessary phone calls or attend appointments.
- Educate Yourself: Learn about Trauma-Informed Parenting through books, podcasts, or videos to better understand and support your friends.
- Offer Emotional Support: Be a listening ear, but respect confidentiality and avoid asking for specific details about the children.
- Use Inclusive Language: Practice using respectful and inclusive language (e.g., "biological" instead of "real," "new member of the family" instead of "foster kid").
- Explore Fostering/Adoption: Encourage others to consider becoming a foster or adoptive family by contacting agencies like Lifeline Children's Services.
Ultimately, challenge yourself to think beyond how hard it will be for you, especially to let a child go after you've fostered them. Instead, consider how amazing it could be to provide a safe, loving, healing place for a child that needs one during a dark time of their life.