When God Says "Go" (Part 10 - Keep Seeking)

When God Says "Go" (Part 10 - Keep Seeking)

If you're just now jumping in to our story, our family has been in a time of transition and untethering, a time filled with questions, long conversations, and tons of prayer. Go to the beginning of our story here to catch up.

This year in particular will stand out in my memory as one of desperation to hear God's voice and direction. We don't want to miss Him at any turn - we've done that in the past and have faced such painful circumstances...not because of any kind of punishment, but simply natural consequences of our choices. We don't want to miss Him again. But, we know that in our humanity and imperfection, that even if we do, if we just keep seeking Him, God will get us back on track.

After all, He promised that if we seek Him, we will find Him (Matthew 7:8).

Hard conversations and mourning the end of certain roles have coexisted with a bubbling, overflowing excitement and anticipation of what God is up to. Most days have held vibrant times in God's Word and while chatting with Him in prayer.

This is a time of living eager and ready to follow wherever He leads. We're dreaming of what could be - so many possibilities.

We're okay with not being able to see the entire staircase. Simply seeing the Lamp that lights up the next step is more than sufficient.

Do you live with this kind of eagerness? Is this realistically sustainable?

Just as the seasons within nature ebb and flow, so do the seasons of our lives. Yes, there are times of excitement - mountain-top experiences. But there are also times of difficulty, confusion, loss, and trials - valley experiences. We can't always live on the high, but we can come to each and every season with a trust that no matter what's going on, God will guide us through and He will bring everything together for the ultimate good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28).

Read the psalms of David and you'll quickly discover he spent more time writing about his despairing times than he did about his easy seasons. But David, even through all his temperaments and trials, always brought things back to a clear focus - God is the center, He is in charge, He loves us and wants our best.

Back to our family's story - where will we go from here?

In a matter of days, we will begin a trip that we've been planning for months. We want to set our feet on the land of several cities God has highlighted on our hearts and pray. Dozens of prophetic words (see below for meaning) have confirmed our seeking and this season. So we will go and seek. We will keep seeking until we have an answer, until we know what the next step is. 

We see God repositioning people all over the world - strategically placing His people across the globe with the purpose of revealing His nature, love, and salvation to anyone willing to listen. To be some of those people willing to go anywhere and set out with that purpose is one of the greatest honors of our lives.

How about you? What does this season hold for you and those you love?

Is there an opportunity God wants to invite you to step into with boldness? How can you seek more of Him today?


(Prophetic words happen when one person senses a message from God for another person or people. These "words" given are not to manipulate or uncover others. They exist to encourage, build up, and call into new assignments. See 1 Corinthians 14:3. The giver should submit their word with humility, knowing that sometimes we hear incorrectly even despite our best intentions. The recipient should weigh the given word against God's Word (the Bible), His nature, and what He's already been telling them privately to confirm its validity. Prophecy is one beautiful way we can build one another up!)

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