When God Says "Go" (Part 9 - The Who & Where of the Call)

When God Says "Go" (Part 9 - The Who & Where of the Call)

If you're just now jumping in to our story, we've been in a time of transition and untethering, a time filled with questions, long conversations, and tons of prayer. Go to the beginning of our story here to catch up.

Years ago, I heard a quote that continues to challenge me: Who stands on the other side of my obedience? (I wish I could figure out who said this - regardless of that, I'm so thankful for the challenge.)

It's so easy to live disconnected from others, to imagine that we exist as autonomous beings whose decisions only affect ourselves, or at most, just our families. Nothing could be further from the truth. 

People stand on the other side of my obedience. And God knows exactly who those people are...the ones I encounter in my day-to-day life, the ones He's inviting me to join with in community, and the ones I haven't met yet.

In this time of intentionally listening for God to lead our family to our next assignment, we're very sensitive to the "who" behind the call.

As we've pressed in, we've received some direction about who we're being pulled to:

  • People who rely on themselves and their own sense of worthiness to earn favor with God. 
  • Those who worship created things rather than their Creator.
  • And people who are looking for more - who know something is missing and they're desperate to find it.

So, where are these people? Truthfully, they're everywhere! But we've learned that God cares about geography. He's not limited by it, but He does have a habit of strategically positioning people across the globe in order to reach those He has in mind.

God also places within us desires and callings that help guide us. For example, in our family, around 14 years ago, God gave us a clear vision for homeschooling all of our kids through high school. So, anywhere we go, we'd like to be in a homeschool-friendly place to best live out that long assignment.

Each member of our family has also expressed a desire to live in the mountains near water. (That's a tall order for north Texas where we currently live.) The things we most enjoy doing together are either difficult or impossible to do here. 

Does that mean a move is inevitable? No. But, as with everything lately, we're trying to keep our ears open to hear and our hands open to receive so that we can be nimble enough to go or stay when God leads.

Who might you encounter today that stands on the other side of your obedience? What is God asking you to do that affects those around you? And, how do you feel about being strategically placed to impact others?

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1 comment

Being obedient to strategic placement puts us in the place where God has led us to get to the “other side of obedience”. Thank you!

Chris Howard

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