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5 Ways to Begin Praying

Does the idea of praying seem overwhelming? 

Prayer may feel strange or overwhelming to many of us is because we've made prayer into a religious exercise rather than a conversation between friends.

So, where do we start?

  1. Talk to God like a friend. Imagine sitting in a comfy spot with your best friend. Would you be at a loss for how to talk to them? Would you be nervous that you'd mess up the words? Not likely. You might have your feet up while you hold a cup of coffee and recount recent days. Or you might lean on your friend's shoulder while you cry because the pain is so great. God sent His Son Jesus to live the life we couldn't live and die the death we deserve so that we can come close to Him. He wants to be your best Friend. No fancy words required!
  2. Write it down. If you're a journal-er, take some time to write down your conversation with God. This is one of my favorite ways to record how God has moved in my life over the years. I see my prayers - my requests and concerns, my fears and hopes, my thanks and joys - and can count the many ways He's replied. [Pro tip: I love writing down and bracketing anything I sense God is telling me so I can go back in the future to revisit those conversations.]
  3. Replay your day. When you lie in bed at night, in those quiet moments before falling asleep, ask God to help you remember your day. Ask Him where He showed up, how He moved, how He felt about your words and choices. Let the events of the day scroll through your mind and invite God to show you what stood out to Him.
  4. Springboard off of someone else's prayer. Sometimes, words elude me. This is especially true during times of grief. But I've found that pre-written prayers can help give me a starting place to share my heart with God. The Psalms are full of prayers that span a wide variety of emotions and circumstances. Prayers of Jesus followers who have gone before you can also be powerful tools to kick-start a conversation.
  5. Say thank You. Whether you write them down, speak them out loud, or acknowledge them in your heart, taking a minute to be grateful to God for a specific moment, person, or experience in your day is a beautiful way to talk with Him.

And, along with all this talking, don't forget to stop and listen. God invites us to abide with Him - to sit, dwell, and remain in His presence. Prayer is a two-way street - the best way to learn how to drive is simply to practice.


What's Next? 


God often uses the little things – even a simple tee shirt – to meet people and change lives. Check out the Now Found Shop to find the right tools to help strike up conversations, invite God into the mix, and be a catalyst in someone's life! 


Doing life with God is a journey – and we always want to keep moving forward! Check out this post and visit the Now Found YouTube channel to keep growing in your faith! 


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