1134 Movement

Birthed from the life story of Now Found™ co-founder, Steve Cohen, the 1134 MVMT™ began in 2002. Steve saw 11:34 on the clock every day, twice a day, for months before he submitted his life to Jesus as Messiah. 

1134 Movement boxed logo challenging to flip hEll on its head.
Just as the numbers 1134 spell hEll when flipped upside down, the heart behind the 1134 Movement is to follow in Jesus' footsteps to flip hEll on its head — shifting paradigms of lies to love. We long to inspire a movement of people who pray for those who persecute, love those who hate, and are not divided by denomination, politics, associations, race, gender, beliefs, or thought paradigms.

What Jesus lived during His time on Earth was nothing short of beautiful, grace-filled, hope-filled, and paradigm-shattering love. The 1134 Movement inspires people to spread His love to all of God’s image-bearers — not just through words, but with Love and acts of service. We want to inspire you to love like our Father, sacrifice like our Savior, and serve like our King regardless of how we are all treated, perceived, or disrespected.

Offense is a choice that must be recompensed through forgiveness. Love and offense can seldom live in the same space. And, as God’s children, we are not called to live offended.

Instead, we are called to love - to love God and our neighbors in ways that may not make sense. We are called to forgive even the gravest of offenses. United, we reflect and re-present the beautiful spectrum of colors found in the Kingdom of God. With that love, through the power of the Holy-Spirit, we can bring people into the Kingdom of Heaven and into the presence of our King.

Let’s do this together.

Please contact us here if your ministry would like to partner with Now Found and the 1134 MVMT.

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