So, yesterday was a pretty terrible day for me. Nothing external that happened was bad necessarily. It was mostly just me…emotions running high and hormones running everywhere. I was absolutely NOT at my best and I knew it. (Anyone relating here??)
But this morning, something miraculous happened! I got a fresh start! I woke up before my alarm (miraculous in and of itself!), got to snuggle with my hubby, get a shower while the house was quiet, and have some time in the Word and actually listening for God’s voice in the (still) quiet, pre-dawn hours. After a while, I put on some worship music and listened through my earphones. Just minutes later, my son emerged, fully dressed. Despite my crabbiness from the previous day, he came over to me. And despite how I’d felt the day before, I tapped the seat and he climbed up to cuddle with me while we shared the headphones.
What a different start to the day! What a needed change! “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies are new every morning…” (Lamentations 3:22-23)
I got to experience those new mercies this morning, even though I didn’t do a thing to deserve it. God is just good…that’s it.
I could have started this day regretting how yesterday went. But all that would have served to accomplish is assure that this day would be a new regret. But, instead, today my goal is to focus on God TODAY, letting go of yesterday and not worrying about tomorrow. Today is what I have…and Today is full of His new mercies.