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Now Found Publishing

Refining Identity

Refining Identity

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Refining Identity: I Am Who I AM Says I AM

Discover Your True Self in Christ

Just like gold must be refined to reveal its true brilliance, so too must we undergo a process of transformation to discover our true selves in Christ. Are you ready to break free from the impurities that have shaped your self-perception and embrace the radiant identity that God has always intended for you?

"I often felt like Courtney was talking directly to me...I love the subtitle: "I am who I AM says I am." As Christians, we are not who our friends say we are, or our circumstances - we are His..." - Amazon Reviewer

a young asian woman and dark skinned man with glasses reading refining identity bible study

"Refining Identity," by Courtney Cohen, is your guide to revelation, self-discovery, and spiritual growth, empowering you to embrace your God-given purpose and live a life of authenticity and fulfillment.

"Courtney pulls you into the conversation... with open references to scripture... That is what I love most! She guides you and yet, with such humility, steps back and allows God to teach you through His Word. You can sense her heart and passion for you to grow in who God designed you to be... you will be engaged with every page." - S. Hoover

Key Themes:

  • The Refining Process: Explore the ancient practice of refining gold and how it mirrors the journey of spiritual transformation and discipleship.
  • Breaking Free from False Identities: Learn how to identify and release the past, the expectations of others, and the negative influences that have shaped your self-perception.
  • Embracing Your God-Given Identity: Discover the truth of who you are in Christ, beyond the labels and limitations, and develop a deeper relationship with God.
  • Practical Tools for Transformation: Learn practical tools and exercises to apply biblical principles to your daily life and cultivate a deeper sense of self-worth.

"I felt like every time I read the next chapter that it was just what I needed to learn at that moment in my life... it was orchestrated by God for me to see that chapter on that day. So glad I have this study!"  - Angel

Students, young adults doing bible study togetherBenefits:

  • Gain clarity about your identity: Discover who you truly are in Christ, beyond the labels and expectations of others.
  • Break free from self-doubt and insecurity: Learn to release the negative influences that have shaped your self-perception.
  • Develop a deeper relationship with God: Cultivate a deeper understanding of your identity as a child of God.
  • Experience personal transformation: Embrace your God-given purpose and live a life of authenticity and fulfillment.

"I love the format... it includes scripture with space to write on every pages. Courtney doesn't just spoon-feed you the information... [She guides] you through God's word for Him to speak to you... it's small and written like a book but includes elements of Bible study. A good read for sure." - Amanda

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Order your copy of "Refining Identity" and discover the power of living in alignment with God's design for your life.

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